Just print and fill out the application form from the documents section of the site. Minimum investment is £20,000 and there is no maximum, but please remember the EIS limit for income tax and CGT relief is £2 million.
The fund has approximately 2 tranche closes per year to ensure substantial funds to invest in the most exciting prospects. Once your tranche has closed your money will be invested in 5 to 9 early-stage EIS qualifying businesses over a 12-to-24-month period. We will notify you about each new investment. (N.B The EIS5 tax certificate will be dated for the closing date of your tranche/cohort of the fund, which is then your relevant tax date).
As well as quarterly valuation reports on your portfolio, we will send you commentary on any developments on any of the portfolio companies as well as a monthly newsletter providing useful insight from the investment team.
The investments we select for your portfolio we expect to exit in 5 to 7 years. However, this can happen earlier or longer, but we expect an average of 5 years. When we sell your investment in a particular company, we will email you the details and return the net proceeds to you.