Mon - Fri 09:00-18:00 0207 060 3773

Dear prospective investor

The UN has a list of 22 “Critical Global Issues”. Some of those issues can only be addressed by governments, but others such as Ageing, Big Data, Climate Change, Food Security, Health and Water need brilliant innovations from the private sector to help solve. We need better medicines, faster and cheaper treatments, quicker testing processes, more easily available technology. All these needs provide a massive demand and there are brilliant people coming up with outstanding commercial solutions. This is where Impact Investing comes in. We only invest in early-stage businesses that will enrich many people’s lives and have, what we believe it takes to succeed.

The four partners of Boundary are either entrepreneurs with multiple successful exits or experienced venture capital fund managers who have also invested, managed, and exited many businesses. This combination of entrepreneur, fund managers and outstanding academic qualifications in our focus sectors makes Boundary a unique proposition.

Our proprietary investment methodology for measuring “Life impact” allows us to screen, compare and monitor our investments across our core investment areas of Life Science Technologies which increase and sustain life, Engineering innovations that create a more sustainable environment and Software and Data Science that will democratize skills and knowledge.

The Impact Life Fund gives you the opportunity to invest in a bespoke portfolio of 5-9 exciting early-stage businesses in a highly tax efficient structure, (eligibility permitting). We invest 100% of your investment and take no fees from you until exit, and only then if the investment is at least 125% of the original.

Please join us in investing in companies with the potential for great commercial success and who make the World a better place.

The Leadership Team

Dan Somers

Managing Partner

Dan is a serial entrepreneur and leads Boundary. He has founded several IT companies, notably VC-Net which he exited in 2011 in a trade sale. He has also founded and held non-exec positions in other software and IT services businesses. Prior to that he was a strategy consultant. He holds an MA from Cambridge University in Natural Sciences and a Diploma in Business Studies.

Mark White

Business Development Partner

Mark has spent most of career working for global investment selling equity and equity derivative products. He specialized in convertible bonds and managed teams around the World originating, selling, and trading. After leaving investment banking he was the Business Development Partner at a London based hedge fund before founding his own consumer fraud avoidance business. He joined Boundary Capital in early 2021.