Boundary Capital is delighted to launch a new EIS AI fund for 2024.
We are now in the age of AI. Its widespread adoption will impact every sector, business, and individual.
With this technological advance, comes unprecedented opportunities for innovation and growth. Experts forecast over the next decade AI will impact [1] the global economy by between
USD$15-25 trillion [2,3]. Many public company CEOs are expecting AI’s impact to be larger than that
of the Internet.
The largest single driver of transformation will be the automation of knowledge-work [4]. For someindustries, and professions, this will result in a golden age of AI-assisted human decision-making,turbocharging worker productivity. For others, it will mean replacing large swathes of human workwith autonomous AI systems. The software AI market is forecast to grow to over USD$1tn in sizeover the coming decade [5].
Within the AI Ecosystem, significant investment will be allocated toward high-profile AI infrastructureand platform ventures, including Foundation Models. However, the most promising opportunities fornew entrant ventures are those that are AI enabled to address genuine business problems, via a B2BSaaS business model.
Boundary Capital’s AI Fund has been designed to capitalize on the growth of AI by investing in thisincredibly promising segment of the AI Ecosystem. In doing so, we provide you the opportunity toinvest in a bespoke portfolio of 5-9 shareholdings in exciting early-stage businesses, in a tax-efficientstructure (eligibility permitting).
We look forward to you joining us in investing in this technological revolution.